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ANA333 artist


I'm a multidimensional artist primarily working with consciousness through a broad scope of mediums including sculpture, painting, dance, graphic design, storytelling, and music. But I also do many other valuable things!

My Story

The arts and I have a long and complicated relationship. We've been madly in love for as long as I can remember and are still falling deeper. In middle school, I had an intuitive teacher who wrote this quote in my yearbook... "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." I learned to do all of the above as I think it's vital to have all those skills and to know when to apply them. I've come as far as I could go alone. My vision is too big to execute by myself and the time has come to seek a solid team to help me carry out my global vision. I've been repeatedly told my standards and expectations are too high. I think they're only too high for the wrong people. I hope the right ones could find me because I've had a helluva time locating them, lol. Eight billion people. I know they're out there somewhere! Ultimately, benefiting humanity continues to be at the core of my purpose. I love to watch it grow and its expansion into space is among my favorite things! How lucky are we to witness such a marvelous time in history?!


64THINKS is my current project geared toward art collectors who need to have a little fun! It's a series of physical multimedia paintings with a plethora of secrets inside. Additionally, it functions as a game similar to trading cards. Collect by various patterns, numbers, objects, shapes, sets, etc. Ultimately, its purpose is to create a network of like-minded individuals who can unite to create something massively beautiful for humanity. 


I believe humanity to be an extraordinary organism that should thrive in the universe! I love humanity! I want it to grow and branch as I think it has a tremendous impact on all of our lives well into the future. Yes, I have a substantial explanation for that statement, lol. Ultimately, I think humans can be a positive light in the universe. We're just young and a toddler can't be blamed for misbehaving when they don't know better yet. People need time to evolve and I want to help them through their evolution. 

ANA333 nerd
ANA333 performer

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather, become a man of value." -Einstein​


Services... How I Can Help...


TALKS & LECTURES: I have excellent information in a broad spectrum of subject matter that I would love to share with others as I think it could provide substantial connective tissue to society. 


Education | Psychology | Consciousness | Quantum Theory | Governmental Systems | Philosophy | Functionalities & Impacts | Projections | Humanity | The Arts | Self-Improvement | Healthcare | Architecture | Engineering | etc... I listened to Einstein and acquired internal value. 


I think a lot! :D And I have endless interests. I care about the world on many levels. That's why I think about how to solve so many problems and how I can be of service to humanity with my unique skill set.



CONSULTATIONS: From political system structures to moonscapes and anything in between, I can help you build up. My broad-spectrum experience includes multi-dimensional arts and sciences, both conceptual and physical. No matter how far-fetched, tell me what you need and I'll tell you if I'm capable of meeting your needs. I'm an excellent problem-solver with a multifaceted approach. Try me. 



COLLABORATIONS & CREATIONS: If you're looking to create something a little out-of-the-box for a small project or a colossal business venture, I am open to various-scale collaborations :) I believe in the limitless mind and am capable of rainbows of thought and execution. Whether we're writing a song, designing a sculpture, producing a show, or building a city, I am an asset. 




Please pass me along to the people and places where you think I could contribute something beneficial.  Everyone knows someone and I have a lot to offer to society and humanity.  Spread the word and let's make this world a better place!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect!

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â“’ 2024 ANA333 LLC All Rights Reserved | POLICIES | New York, USA

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