Life has an interesting current; rather series of currents. It's almost like feeling the ocean flow beneath me as that perfectly pitched wave takes me on the most gentle, but distant, journey. It's exhilarating but not jolting. It's my favorite feel in life. I love catching those monumentous places where I can see how something arrived where it is, see its growth and evolution, its metamorphosis... its wave. What a stunning distance this is!
You know how sometimes people ebb and flow throughout your life? Art is like that. Love is like that. Pretty much anything and everything has that kind of wave. Your location on the wave matters. If you're on the flow part of the wave, you might be reconnecting with lost friends, or your fridge is full, ideas are aplenty, life-force aglow, and life is golden. Conversely, we suffer on the ebb. The only thing one could do is ride the wave(s). Chin up, the flow cometh again ;)
Location is just a part of what matters. Speed is also a factor. My visual image is of a stringed instrument, somewhat like a horizontal harp. I wish I could hear that song! Could we? In the future, could we hear the sounds of our waves and identify each other by them since they would be as unique as our fingerprints? I vote yes! Can you imagine how marvelous that would be? It's like how notes compose music... our waves compose our unique melodies. Our melodies combine to create a unified symphony, and so it goes on, I suppose.
I wish I could hear that, though! The waves of humanity.
It better be beautiful or imma be piiiissed!